Chic Custom Flash Drives

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Chic Custom Flash Drives

Permanently share data in a way that reflects your business and keeps your brand identity in the hands of those you are connected to. Clients and prospects want something tangible, so why not give them something as unique as you are. Chic style drives feature a convenient loop for clipping to keychains or desk accessories, which makes your logo the visual cue that is seen. A protective cap protects the drive when it isn’t being used for file access and retrieval to give your drive a longer life. A durable marketing and promotional piece contributes to the longevity of your USB accessible files.

Keep your branding standing with the Chic style flash drive. Pick the data capacity, color and other features to customize your plug and play device with this popular option for trade shows and conventions. Think of a USB drive as a blank canvas, through which you can realize your marketing vision with the perfect blend of promotion and strategy. In this convenient size, the device can accompany the recipient’s keys anywhere they travel from the office to home and works with any PC/Mac or multifunction technology with a USB input.

Chic style custom USB drives are the perfect solution for a simple and inexpensive promotion campaign because they say exactly what you want them to the first time and every time.

Print Options
  • 1-4 Color Print
  •  Full Color Process
Production Time
  •  3 – 5 Business Days
Rush Service
  •  E-Mail for Details
  • Available 64MB and up
Available Finishes
  • Rubberized
  • Matte
  • Gloss
Product Materials
  • Plastic
Print Area
  •  35 x 12mm Front Side
  •  38 x 12mm Reverse Side
  •  10 x 10mm Cap
  •  74 x 21 x 7mm

Pantone Color Matching Available

Print Location
  • Front
  • Reverse
  • Cap (1 – 2 Color)

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