Butterfly Custom Flash Drives

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Butterfly Custom Flash Drives

The Butterfly custom flash drive will help you round up your customers with a leather body that will bring thoughts of the wild west while staying on the cutting edge. Now its easier than ever to lure them to the rodeo with this classic design that is capable of a hot stamp, which will give your custom USB drive logo a branding iron look and feel.

Butterfly style flash drive is an attractive leather model capable of holding several custom USB drive capacities. Available in several different colors of leather, including Green, Red, Black, Blue, and the standard brown, it can have multiple colors printed, as well as a hot stamp, which can imprint your logo in the style of classic iron branding. This drive has an outstanding look, with an original keyloop and wrap around buttoned closing style instead of a cap. This style is popular with those looking for a rugged, one-of-a-kind design that will leave competitors in the dust.

Printing Options
  • 1-2 Color Print
  • Hot Stamp
Production Time
  •  7 – 10 Business Days
Rush Service
  •  E-Mail For Details
  • Available 64MB and up
Product Materials
  • Leather Metal
Print Area
  •  17 x 18mm Front
  •  46 x 18mm Reverse
  •  87 x 32 x 17mm
Print Location
  • Front Side
  • Reverse Side

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