Peanut Custom USB Drives

Peanut Custom USB Drives
The Peanut custom USB drives are certain to deliver a satisfying experience to your most vital audiences, while acting as a reliable and fun source of file storage. The atypical but quite practical shape of this style serves to entreat users to your brand for a pleasant scenario of transferring files to a portable storage medium.
Peanut custom flash is a plastic custom USB drive style with the round shape of a peanut, also featuring a removable cap and helpful indicator light. Available in colors of Red, Blue, Black, and Orange, this custom flash drive has a variety of data capacities available for it, making it a very useful and versatile style.
Printing Options
- 4 Color Imprint
- Multi Color Process
Production Time
- 7-10 Business Days
Rush Service
- E-Mail For Details
- Available 64MB and up
Product Materials
- Plastic
Print Area
- 18 x 6mm Front
- 30 x 13mm Back
- 76 x 27 x 13mm
Print Location
- Front
- Reverse