Tor Custom USB Flash Drives

Tor Custom USB Flash Drives
Tor custom flash drive is a plastic rectangular design that has clear portions on the end for a high tech look and feel. Logos can be printed on either one or both sides in a wide variety of colors and memory capacity choices. This is an excellent style for putting a custom USB drive in the hands of individuals that will use them time and again, all while promoting your logo, message, or brand as a perpetual marketing footprint.
Printing Options
- 1-4 Color Print
Production Time
- 5-7 Business Days
Rush Service
- E-Mail For Details
- Available 64MB and up
Product Materials
- Metal Plastic
Print Area
- 38 x 11mm Front
- 38 x 11mm Reverse
- 11 x 8mm Cap
- 68 x 18 x 8mm
Print Location
- Front
- Reverse
- Cap