Woodland Custom Flash Drives

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Woodland Custom Flash Drives

Instilling the perfect message into an elegant and strong exterior should not be a complex endeavor. Wooden USB drives carry a lifetime guarantee to ensure that the quality of a natural grain is matched by the excellence of proper craftsmanship. This trendy selection for trade industries, health spas and other hospitality businesses can be imprinted, engraved or customized with a special “burn in” process for a truly natural look. Solid exterior options include the forest tones of actual wood varieties including Pine, Walnut, Mahogany, Bamboo, Maple Bamboo or Fiber Wood.

Wood pieces are perceived by clients and customers as higher value with a more permanent, substantial quality than similar plastic models. A surefire way to meet a more unique aesthetic, the drives also feature integrated magnets in each cap to keep each unit functional and conveniently attached.

Woodland style wood USB drives are the perfect solution to remain more treasured, less mimicked and effectively outfitted for high level file sharing applications.

Print Options
  • 1-3 Color Print
  •  Laser Engrave
Production Time
  •  5 – 7 Business Days
Rush Service
  • N/A
  • Available 64MB and up
Product Materials
  • Wood
Print Area
  • 33 x 23mm Front Side
  •  33 x 23mm Reverse Side
  •  14 x 23mm Cap
  •  60 x 28 x 10mm
Print Location
  • Front
  • Reverse
  • Cap (1-2 Color)

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